Cracking the SEO Code Using Deep Keyword Research

Aqsa Ikhlaq


Cracking the SEO Code Using Deep Keyword Research

Crack the SEO Code: Deep Keyword Research for Maximum Organic Traffic

Hey there, SEO warriors! Ever felt like you're pouring your heart and soul into content creation, but the traffic trickle is more like a desert mirage? Frustrating, right? Here's the thing: amazing content deserves to be seen, and that's where keyword research swoops in like a caped crusader.

Think of keywords as the secret handshake of the internet. They're the magic words that connect searchers with the solutions they crave, and your content could be that perfect answer. But here's the catch: using the wrong keywords is like showing up to a salsa party with a polka playlist. It might be great, but it's not what the crowd is looking for.

That's why I'm here today, my friends. Forget keyword fumbles and SEO struggles. I'm about to unveil the world's best keywords research methodology, a roadmap that'll lead you straight to those SEO goldmines and watch your organic traffic explode. Buckle up, because we're about to crack the code to keyword domination!

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Hold on a sec, SEO warriors. Let's ditch the narrow view of SEO being just about ranking high on Google. Think of it more like the magic behind Apple's success. Imagine a world where iPhones are practically glued to everyone's hands. That's the kind of brand recognition and user loyalty SEO can build for your website.

But wait, isn't SEO just a Google or Youtube thing? Nope! Here's the mind-blowing part: Any website with a search bar is basically a search engine. Think about it. That internal search bar on your company website? That's SEO in action too. People are actively searching for information within your domain, and SEO helps ensure your content surfaces first.

Now, let's shatter another myth: SEO isn't some digital marketing spell reserved for faceless online businesses. It's a game-changer for every type of business, personal branding efforts, and even traditional marketing strategies. Think about it. A local bakery with a well-optimized website showing up first when someone searches for "best cupcakes near me"? That's SEO building a local reputation that goes beyond fancy flyers.

SEO isn't a short-term trick; it's about building an aura of authority and trust that lingers long after that initial search. It's the quiet hero of attracting qualified leads, nurturing them through your marketing funnel, and ultimately converting them into loyal customers. In the wild world of marketing, SEO is the silent hunter, consistently bringing in high-quality leads at every stage of the game. So, SEO warriors, are you ready to unleash the true power of keyword research and claim your slice of the SEO goldmine? Let's dive in!

Why Are Keywords the Secret Sauce of SEO?

Alright superstars, let's talk about the magic ingredient that makes SEO truly sing: keywords. Think of SEO as a recipe for online success, and keywords are the secret spices that infuse your content with flavor, attracting the right audience and boosting your discoverability.

Here's the thing: you wouldn't throw random ingredients into a pot and expect a culinary masterpiece, right? The same goes for SEO. Without the right keywords, you're essentially shouting into the void of the internet, hoping someone hears you.

Content is king, but keywords are the royal advisors, guiding users to your content. Imagine you're crafting a blog post about the most delicious gluten-free brownies. If you don't include keywords like "gluten-free brownies," "healthy dessert recipe," or "paleo baking," potential customers searching for those treats will never find your masterpiece.

Industry legend Neil Patel puts it perfectly: "If nobody is searching for what you're offering, it doesn't matter how great it is. This is where keyword research comes in." By using the right keywords, you avoid the pitfall of competing with everyone under the sun. Instead, you laser-target your content towards users actively seeking solutions within your niche.

Marketing guru Rand Fishkin echoes this sentiment: "The ultimate purpose of any website is to attract visitors who are interested in the products or services you offer." Keywords are the bridge between your audience's needs and the solutions you provide.

So, the next time you hear someone say "content is king," remember, keywords are the wise advisors whispering the secrets of user intent, ensuring your content reaches the right people at the right time. Stay tuned, because in the next chapter, we'll unveil the world's best keywords research methodology to help you unlock the SEO goldmine and watch your website traffic skyrocket!

Search Query vs. Keyword: Two Sides of the Same Coin


Ever wondered if there's a secret battle raging between search queries and keywords? Spoiler alert: there isn't. Think of them less like rivals and more like two sides of the same SEO coin.

Here's the breakdown:

  • Search queries: These are the exact phrases users type into search engines like Google. They can be anything from short and sweet ("best pizza places") to long and specific ("gluten-free vegan restaurants with outdoor seating near me").
  • Keywords: These are the terms you, as a website owner, research and strategically target within your content. The goal? To align your content with the search queries users are actively employing.

So, it's not an "us vs. them" situation. It's about understanding the user's perspective and crafting content that speaks directly to their needs.

Imagine yourself as a potential customer. What words would you type into a search engine to find a product or service like yours? By incorporating those terms (keywords!) into your content strategy, you're increasing the chances of your website appearing in relevant search results.

Think of it like this: you wouldn't try to have a conversation in a foreign language you don't understand, right? The same goes for SEO. By understanding the "search language" of your target audience (their search queries), you can tailor your content to resonate with them, effectively bridging the gap and attracting the right kind of traffic.

Here's the secret weapon: you don't need a crystal ball to predict user queries. The next section will equip you with powerful keyword research techniques to help you think like a user and unlock a treasure trove of relevant keywords for your SEO strategy. Stay tuned, because we're about to delve into the world's best keywords research methodology and send your website traffic soaring!

Decoding the Search Query: Understanding User Intent


We've established that keywords and search queries are two sides of the SEO coin. Now, let's delve deeper into the fascinating world of search queries themselves. Understanding the different types of search queries users employ will become your secret weapon in crafting a keyword strategy that dominates the marketing funnel.

There are four main categories of search queries, and each plays a crucial role in attracting users at different stages of their buying journey:

1. Navigational Queries: Charting the Course

  • What they are: Navigational queries are all about users knowing exactly where they want to go online. They're typically used to find specific websites or webpages.
  • Marketing Funnel Stage: Top of the funnel (TOFU) - Awareness
  • Example: Someone searching for "" or "best digital marketing SaaS for small businesses" is likely familiar with your brand name (Ettvi) or the concept of digital marketing solutions and is in the initial awareness stage, exploring potential options.

Optimization for Navigational Queries:

  • Include your brand name and variations ("Ettvi," "Ettvi digital marketing") throughout your website.
  • Ensure your website title and meta descriptions are clear and concise, accurately reflecting your company and the digital marketing solutions you offer.

2. Informational Queries: The Curious Customer

  • What they are: Informational queries represent users actively seeking information to answer questions or solve problems related to digital marketing. They're in research mode, gathering knowledge before making decisions.
  • Marketing Funnel Stage: TOFU - Awareness & Consideration
  • Example: A search for "best SEO strategies for e-commerce websites" or "how to improve website traffic" indicates the user is aware of a need (improving online presence) and is now seeking information (SEO strategies). This presents an opportunity to showcase your expertise through informative blog posts or guides on SEO best practices and how Ettvi's platform can help them achieve those goals.

Optimization for Informational Queries:

  • Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant informational queries related to digital marketing and the challenges faced by your target audience.
  • Create informative blog posts, articles, or FAQs that address those search queries and establish Ettvi as a thought leader in the digital marketing SaaS space.

3. Investigational Queries: Weighing the Options

  • What they are: Investigational queries signal a user moving further down the marketing funnel. They're actively comparing digital marketing solutions, often using terms like "best SEO tools" or including competitor names in their searches.
  • Marketing Funnel Stage: Consideration
  • Example: A search for "Ettvi vs. [competitor name]" or "affordable SEO software for startups" indicates the user is familiar with Ettvi (or considering competitors) and is now evaluating options based on features, pricing, etc.

Optimization for Investigational Queries:

  • Highlight Ettvi's unique selling points (USPs) such as ease of use, affordability, or specific features that address user pain points.
  • Showcase client testimonials and case studies that demonstrate Ettvi's effectiveness in achieving digital marketing goals.

4. Transactional Queries: Ready to Buy

  • What they are: Transactional queries represent users at the very bottom of the marketing funnel (BOFU) - decision-making stage. They're ready to invest in a digital marketing solution and are actively searching for places to buy or sign up for a free trial.
  • Marketing Funnel Stage: Decision & Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)
  • Example: A search for "Ettvi digital marketing pricing" or "sign up for Ettvi free trial" indicates the user is ready to convert and subscribe to Ettvi's services.

Optimization for Transactional Queries:

  • Ensure your website has clear pricing plans and options, making it easy for users to understand the value proposition.
  • Offer a compelling free trial or demo to entice users to experience Ettvi firsthand.

By understanding these different search query types and their roles in the marketing funnel, you can craft a comprehensive SEO strategy that targets users at every stage of their digital marketing journey. In the next chapter, we'll finally unveil the world's best keywords research methodology to help you identify these golden queries and watch your website conversions soar!

Keyword Types: Comprehending the SEO Keyword Spectrum


Now that you're a master of search query types, let's delve into the exciting world of keywords themselves. Understanding the different keyword types empowers you to target users at various stages of the marketing funnel and ultimately drive valuable conversions to your Ettvi website. Here's a breakdown of the three main keyword categories, presented in a table for easy reference:

Generic Keywords

Broad Match Keywords

Long Tail Keywords

Search Volume





Very High







Conversion Rate




Marketing Funnel Stage

TOFU(Top of the Funnel)


Consideration/BOFU(Bottom of the Funnel)

Search Query Intent



Investigational/Transactional Example

"digital marketing tips," "how to improve website traffic"

"best SEO tools," "affordable marketing solutions"

"SEO software for small businesses," "free trial for digital marketing platform"

Understanding the Nuances:

  • Generic Keywords: Think of these as broad strokes. They have high search volume but fierce competition, often leading to high CPCs and low conversion rates. They're valuable for brand awareness in the TOFU stage by attracting users who might not be familiar with Ettvi or digital marketing solutions in general.
  • Broad Match Keywords: These are more specific than generic terms but still encompass a wider range of searches. They offer a good balance between search volume, competition, and conversion potential. Ettvi can target these by showcasing its core functionalities that address user pain points in the TOFU/Consideration stage.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: These are the golden nuggets of SEO. They're highly specific, have lower competition and CPCs, but also boast higher conversion rates. They target users further down the funnel who are actively seeking solutions like Ettvi's digital marketing platform.

Aligning Keywords with Search Query Intent:

Remember those user search query types we explored earlier? Here's how keyword types align with them:

  • Informational Queries: Generic and Broad Match keywords are well-suited for addressing informational queries in the TOFU stage.
  • Investigational Queries: Broad Match and Long-Tail keywords can effectively target users comparing options in the Consideration stage.
  • Transactional Queries: Long-Tail keywords are king for transactional queries at the BOFU stage, where users are ready to convert.

Choosing the Right Keywords:

The key to a successful SEO strategy lies in using a balanced mix of keyword types. Leverage generic and broad match keywords for brand awareness, but don't neglect the power of long-tail keywords to attract high-intent users ready to convert. Remember, the ultimate goal is to use the right keywords to attract the right users at the right stage of their digital marketing journey.

In the next chapter, we'll finally unveil the world's best keywords research methodology to equip you with the tools to identify these powerful keywords and propel your Ettvi website towards SEO domination.

Recognize The Power of Keyword Research Tools (Use Them Wisely)


Alright, let's talk about keyword research tools. I believe in the power of manual analysis and strategic thinking – they keep you focused and give you an edge over the competition. But here's the secret weapon: SEO tools can be incredibly helpful assistants in the keyword research game. They can't replace your own judgment, but they can accelerate the process and provide valuable insights.

Remember, keyword research is a journey of discovery, not a one-click answer. You need critical thinking and a deep understanding of your target audience. Relying solely on tools can leave you waiting for answers for ages, like waiting for a wish to come true.

How can these tools help you?

  • Keyword Brainstorming Bonanza: Struggling to come up with hundreds of relevant keywords for Ettvi? Tools can jumpstart your research by suggesting a vast library of terms related to digital marketing and Ettvi's functionalities.
  • Data Detectives: Wouldn't it be amazing to know how many people search for specific keywords related to Ettvi and how difficult it is to rank for them? Tools provide this kind of data and insights to guide your keyword strategy.
  • Long-Tail Keyword Champions: Imagine discovering those highly specific, low-competition keywords that are like striking SEO gold. Tools can help you unearth these long-tail keywords that can attract high-intent users ready to convert on Ettvi's platform.

But remember, tools have limitations:

  • Accuracy isn't Guaranteed: Search volume and competition data can vary between tools, so treat them as estimates, not gospel.
  • Intent Illusions: Tools can't tell you exactly what users are looking for behind a search query. You need to analyze the keyword and user behavior to understand their true intent.
  • The Human Touch is irreplaceable: SEO is more than just numbers. Your unique understanding of the digital marketing landscape and your target audience is crucial. Tools can't replicate that human touch.

The key takeaway? Use these tools wisely:

  • Gather intel from multiple tools and compare their results.
  • Don't be a tool puppet master. Analyze each keyword for relevance and user intent.
  • Think critically and trust your own judgment.

Moving forward, we'll unveil a powerful keyword research methodology that blends the best of manual analysis with the assistance of SEO tools. This approach will equip you to identify the perfect keywords to supercharge your Ettvi website's traffic and conversions. Stay tuned!

Best Tools for Keyword Research


So readers, buckle up for the exciting part – keyword research goldmine exploration! We'll delve into a powerful methodology that combines free and paid tools to unearth the perfect keywords for your Ettvi website. Here's your treasure map:

Free Tools for Every Explorer:

  • The OG of Search: Google SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages): Google itself is your best friend! Analyze the keywords your competitors are already ranking for. Look at the "People also ask" and "Searches related to" sections for additional keyword ideas.

  • Google Trends: The Trend Whisperer: See how search interest for specific keywords fluctuates over time. This helps you identify seasonal trends and capitalize on hot topics in the digital marketing sphere.

Advanced Tools for the Dedicated Pro (Paid Options):

  • SEMrush & Ahrefs: The All-Seeing Eyes: These comprehensive SEO platforms offer in-depth keyword research features, including search volume, competition level, and keyword difficulty. They're perfect for uncovering a wider range of keyword opportunities.

  • Ubersuggest: The Long-Tail Hunter: This tool excels at identifying those precious long-tail keywords with lower competition. Ideal for attracting high-intent users ready to explore Ettvi's solutions.

Free Tools for Social Sleuths:

  • Keyword Planner: A Peek Inside Google's Mind (Limited): While limited in scope for free users, Google Keyword Planner still offers valuable insights into search volume and competition data for a select set of keywords.

  • Answerthepublic: The Question Guru: This fantastic tool generates a treasure trove of long-tail keyword variations based on prepositions and questions. It helps you discover the "whys" and "hows" your target audience is searching for related to digital marketing.

Bonus Digging: Social Media & Community Insights (Free):

Don't underestimate the power of social media listening! Explore platforms like Facebook groups, Reddit threads, Pinterest boards, Youtube comments, Wikipedia discussions, Instagram hashtags, and Twitter trends. By actively engaging in these communities, you can discover the language your target audience uses and the questions they're asking. This can provide a wealth of keyword inspiration tailored to their specific needs.

Remember, this is just the first step in your keyword research adventure. In the next chapter, we'll put these tools and techniques into action to craft a winning keyword strategy that propels your website to the top of the search results!

Keyword Research in Action

Alright superstars, let's roll up our sleeves and dive into the exciting world of keyword research for your website! We'll be using a combination of free and paid tools to unearth a treasure trove of relevant keywords.

Step 1: Building Your Keyword Research Arsenal

First things first, grab your favorite spreadsheet tool (Google Sheets works perfectly!). Create two separate sheets:

  • Keyword Research Master Sheet: This sheet will be your central hub for storing all the keywords you discover. Include columns for the tool you found them on (e.g., Google SERPs, Keyword Planner, etc.), the keyword itself, search volume (if available), competition level (if available), and any additional notes.
  • Competitor Tracker Sheet: As you explore the SEO landscape, you'll encounter competitors. In this sheet, list their website URLs, any relevant keywords they rank for, and any observations you make about their approach.

Step 2: Mining Google SERPs for Keyword Gems

Imagine a keyword related to your website’s niche, something potential customers might search for. For example, if Ettvi helps with social media marketing, you could start with "social media management tools." Head over to Google and enter that keyword in the search bar.

Extracting the Goodness from Search Results:

  • Analyze the Top Results: The first page of search results (SERPs) is prime real estate. Look at the websites ranking there. Are they direct competitors of yours, or are they targeting a slightly different audience? Make a note of any relevant keywords you see in their titles, meta descriptions, and throughout their content.

  • Identify User Intent: What kind of content are these top-ranking pages offering? Are they informative blog posts, product comparison guides, or free trials? Understanding the user intent behind these keywords (informational, commercial, etc.) will help you determine if they align with your website’s offerings.

Step 3: Validating with Google Keyword Planner (Free Version)

Now, let's take those juicy keywords you found on Google SERPs and put them to the test in the free version of Google Keyword Planner. This tool provides estimates on search volume and competition level.

  • Keyword Planner Check: Plug each keyword you found on SERPs into Keyword Planner. Note the estimated search volume (how many people search for this term per month) and competition level (how difficult it is to rank for this term).

  • Refine & Repeat: Focus on keywords with a good balance of search volume (enough people are searching for them) and manageable competition (you have a chance to rank for them). If a keyword seems super competitive, consider some of its long-tail variations (more specific versions) that Keyword Planner might suggest.

Step 4: Double-Checking with SERPs & Building Your List

Remember those top-ranking websites you saw on the SERPs for your initial keyword? Let's revisit them using the keywords you validated in Keyword Planner.

  • Competitor & Intent Confirmation: Are the same competitors still ranking for these keywords you identified through Keyword Planner? Does the search intent (informational, commercial, etc.) on the SERPs still align with your target audience?

  • Unearthing Even More Keywords: Look at the "People also ask" and "Searches related to" sections on the SERPs for these validated keywords. These can provide even more keyword inspiration to add to your master sheet.

Step 5: Following up with Google Trends (Another Sheet!)

Head back to your trusty spreadsheet and create a new sheet specifically for Google Trends. Now, let's analyze those keywords we identified as potentially golden for the website.

  • Keyword Trend Analysis: One by one, copy each keyword from your "Keyword Research Master Sheet" and paste it into Google Trends. This tool shows how search interest for that keyword fluctuates over time.
  • Identifying Trending Gems: Look for keywords with an upward trend. These indicate growing interest, making them potentially lucrative targets for your website. Note these trending keywords in your "Google Trends" sheet.

Step 6: Validating with Keyword Planner (Again!)

Let's revisit our friend, Google Keyword Planner (free version). After all, search volume and competition are crucial factors.

  • Volume & Competition Check: For each trending keyword you identified in Google Trends, check its estimated search volume and competition level in Keyword Planner. Prioritize keywords with a good balance of search volume (enough users are looking for them) and manageable competition (you have a fighting chance to rank for them).

Step 7: Final SERP & Competitor Check (Last Round!)

One last validation step! Remember those top-ranking websites you saw on the SERPs for your initial keyword? Let's use them again to finalize our "Google Trends" sheet.

  • Competitor & Intent Confirmation: Are the same competitors still ranking for these trending keywords you identified? Does the search intent (informational, commercial, etc.) on the SERPs still align with your target audience for website?
  • Finalizing Your "Google Trends" Sheet: Based on the competition level, search volume, and final intent confirmation, refine your "Google Trends" sheet. Keep the most promising keywords and consider adding long-tail variations that might offer even lower competition.

Step 8: Answerthepublic - Your Long-Tail Ally (Another Sheet!)

Remember that Google Sheet we've been building? It's time for another new sheet, this one dedicated to Answerthepublic. Grab those high-potential keywords you identified in the previous steps (Google Trends sheet) and get ready to explore their long-tail cousins.

  • Answerthepublic Inspiration: Head over to Answerthepublic and paste each keyword from your "Google Trends" sheet into the search bar. This amazing tool will generate a visual map showcasing a variety of long-tail variations based on prepositions, questions, comparisons, and more.
  • Long-Tail Treasures: These long-tail variations are gold for your website! They're more specific and often have lower competition, making them perfect for attracting high-intent users ready to explore your platform. Note down the most relevant long-tail variations in your "Answerthepublic" sheet.

Step 9: Google Trends - Keeping an Eye on the Trend (Again!)

Remember, staying on top of trends is crucial. Let's revisit Google Trends to analyze these long-tail gems.

  • Long-Tail Trend Analysis: One by one, copy each long-tail keyword from your "Answerthepublic" sheet and paste it into Google Trends. Look for any upward trends that indicate growing interest in these specific searches.

Step 10: Keyword Planner - Volume & Competition Check (One More Time!)

We can't ignore search volume and competition! Let's validate these long-tail keywords in our trusty Google Keyword Planner (free version).

  • Prioritizing the Best: For each trending long-tail keyword, check its estimated search volume and competition level. Prioritize keywords that offer a healthy balance of search volume (enough users are looking for them) and manageable competition (you have a good chance to rank for them).

Step 11: Final SERP & Competitor Check (The Home Stretch!)

One last validation step for your "Answerthepublic" sheet! Let's revisit the SERPs for these long-tail variations.

  • Competitor & Intent Confirmation: Are the same competitors still ranking for these long-tail keywords? Does the search intent (informational, commercial, etc.) on the SERPs still align with your target audience for your website?
  • Finalizing Your "Answerthepublic" Sheet: Based on the competition level, search volume, and final intent confirmation, refine your "Answerthepublic" sheet. Keep the most promising long-tail keywords and consider adding even more specific variations that might offer even lower competition.

Important Note: The specific steps within these paid tools might vary slightly, but the overall approach remains similar. Here's a roadmap to follow for each platform:

Step 12: Ahrefs - Unveiling Keyword Potential (Create a New Project)

  • Welcome to Ahrefs: Log in to your Ahrefs account and create a new project for your Ettvi website. This helps you organize your keyword research findings within the platform.
  • Keyword Explorer - Your Data Hub: Within Ahrefs, navigate to the Keyword Explorer tool. This is your central hub for exploring keyword data.
  • Seeding Your Research: Take those high-potential keywords you identified in the previous steps (Google Trends sheet) and paste them into the Keyword Explorer search bar. Ahrefs will analyze these keywords and provide a wealth of data, including:
    • Search Volume: Estimated number of monthly searches for each keyword.
    • Keyword Difficulty (KD): Ahrefs' metric to gauge how competitive it is to rank for a particular keyword.
    • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Estimated percentage of users who click on search results for that keyword.
    • Paid Difficulty: Difficulty of ranking for a keyword through paid advertising.
  • Long-Tail Inspiration: Ahrefs also offers a "Matching Terms" report within Keyword Explorer. This report suggests similar and related keywords, including valuable long-tail variations. Note down the most relevant ones for your website.

Step 13: Google Trends & Keyword Planner (The Trusty Duo - Again!)

Remember our trusty friends, Google Trends and Keyword Planner (free version)? Let's use them to validate the data from Ahrefs.

  • Trend Analysis: Copy each long-tail keyword suggestion from Ahrefs and paste it into Google Trends. Look for any upward trends that indicate growing interest.
  • Volume & Competition Check: Head over to Keyword Planner and check the estimated search volume and competition level for each keyword. Prioritize those with a good balance of search volume and manageable competition.

Step 14: SERP & Competitor Check (The Final Round)

One last validation step! Let's revisit the SERPs for these long-tail variations suggested by Ahrefs.

  • Competitor & Intent Confirmation: Are the same competitors still ranking for these keywords? Does the search intent (informational, commercial, etc.) on the SERPs still align with your target audience for Ettvi?
  • Refining Your Ahrefs Sheet: Based on the competition level, search volume, and final intent confirmation, refine your findings within Ahrefs. Keep the most promising keywords and consider adding even more specific long-tail variations.

Repeat Steps 12-14 for SEMrush and Ubersuggest:

Follow the same basic framework (seeding with keywords, analyzing data, validating with Google Trends and Keyword Planner, and checking SERPs) within SEMrush and Ubersuggest. These platforms offer similar functionalities to Ahrefs, with slight variations in how they present data and their specific metrics.

Remember: Each paid tool has its own strengths. Ahrefs might be excellent for in-depth keyword research, while SEMrush might offer more comprehensive SEO site audit features. Ubersuggest could be a good option for focusing on long-tail keywords with lower competition. Explore each platform to see which best suits your needs.

That's a fantastic strategy for using YouTube to unearth hidden keyword gems! Let's explore how you can leverage this platform alongside other social media channels for your website’s keyword research. Here's a breakdown for each platform:

YouTube - A Treasure Trove of User Insights

  1. Seeding Your Search: Head over to YouTube and type in your main website-related keyword.
  2. Top Performers' Wisdom: Open the descriptions and comments sections of the top 7-10 videos. These high-ranking videos often attract viewers who are actively searching for solutions related to your niche.
  3. Keyword Hunting: Here's the treasure hunt part! Look for relevant keywords within these descriptions and comments. People might use specific terminology, ask questions, or mention related topics you haven't considered before. These can be fantastic long-tail keywords with high user intent (meaning viewers are actively looking for information or solutions).
  4. Keyword Validation (Trends, Planner, SERPs): Don't stop there! Just like with other keyword sources, take these YouTube-discovered keywords and validate them using Google Trends, Keyword Planner (free version), and SERPs. This helps you confirm search volume, competition level, and user intent to ensure they align with your website’s strategy.
  5. Building Your YouTube Keyword Sheet: Create a separate sheet within your keyword research spreadsheet specifically for YouTube findings. Note down the keywords you discovered, along with the video titles and channels where you found them.

Expanding Your Social Media Reach: Keyword Hunting on Other Platforms

While YouTube offers a unique window into user-generated content and search intent, other social media platforms can be equally valuable for keyword research. Here's a general approach, keeping the specific functionalities of each platform in mind:


  1. Hashtag Hunting: Follow relevant hashtags related to your Ettvi niche. These hashtags are essentially user-generated keywords that can provide valuable insights into what people are talking about.
  2. Join the Conversation: Engage in conversations within relevant hashtags. Look for the terminology people use when discussing challenges or seeking solutions related to digital marketing (Ettvi's domain).
  3. Twitter Keyword Sheet: Create a dedicated sheet within your keyword research spreadsheet for Twitter findings. Note down relevant keywords, hashtags, and any discussions you find particularly insightful.

Facebook Groups:

  1. Join Targeted Groups: Search for Facebook groups focused on digital marketing or topics relevant to Ettvi's functionalities.
  2. Active Listening: Actively participate in group discussions within these Facebook groups. Pay attention to the language people use when asking questions or sharing their experiences.
  3. Facebook Keyword Sheet: Dedicate a sheet within your keyword research spreadsheet for Facebook group findings. Note down relevant keywords, discussions, and any user-generated content that sparks keyword ideas.


  1. Board Exploration: Explore Pinterest boards related to digital marketing or topics relevant to Ettvi's offerings.
  2. Pin Analysis: Look at the descriptions and comments on relevant pins. These can reveal user terminology and specific questions related to your niche.
  3. Pinterest Keyword Sheet: Create a sheet within your keyword research spreadsheet for Pinterest findings. Note down relevant keywords, board titles, and any pins that offer valuable keyword inspiration.

Remember: Social media listening is a continuous process. Regularly engage with these platforms to stay updated on the latest trends and user terminology within your niche. This will help you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to keyword research for your website.

Final Step - Filtering Keywords

Alright doers, you've conquered the exciting world of keyword research! By following this step-by-step strategy, you've unearthed a treasure trove of keywords from various sources. Now, let's combine these riches into the ultimate Ettvi keyword master list.

Counting Your Keyword Collections:

Here's a breakdown of the separate sheets you've likely created throughout this process:

  • Keyword Research Master Sheet: This is your central hub capturing keywords from Google SERPs, Answerthepublic, potentially paid tools (Ahrefs, SEMrush, Ubersuggest), and social media platforms (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook Groups, Pinterest).
  • Competitor Tracker Sheet: This sheet keeps track of your competitor websites, the keywords they rank for, and any observations you made about their approach.
  • Google Trends Sheet: This sheet focuses on keywords you identified as potentially trending and includes notes on their search volume and competition level after checking them with Keyword Planner.
  • Answerthepublic Sheet: This sheet houses the long-tail variations you discovered using Answerthepublic, along with their validation data from Google Trends and Keyword Planner.
  • (Optional) Ahrefs/SEMrush/Ubersuggest Sheets (if applicable): If you used paid tools, you might have separate sheets for each platform's keyword suggestions and their corresponding metrics.

The Merging Magic:

Now comes the exciting part – creating the final, ultimate Ettvi keyword research file! Here's how to merge your sheets:

  1. Consolidate Your Findings: Copy and paste all the relevant keywords from your various sheets into a single master sheet. This could be your existing "Keyword Research Master Sheet" or a brand new one dedicated to the final merge.
  2. Embrace the Power of Comparison: As you merge keywords, pay attention to any duplicates or near-duplicates. Combine these entries, keeping the most informative version and adding notes if specific data points came from different sources (e.g., search volume from Keyword Planner, competition level from Ahrefs).
  3. Prioritization is Key: While you've gathered a vast amount of data, prioritize the most promising keywords for Ettvi. Consider factors like search volume, competition level, user intent (informational, commercial, etc.), and how well they align with your target audience and website’s functionalities.

Your Final Keyword Research File - A Goldmine Awaits!

Congratulations! By following this strategy and merging your findings, you've built a comprehensive and authentic Ettvi keyword research file. This valuable resource will be your guiding light as you craft your website content, optimize for search engines, and ultimately attract your target audience.

The Keyword Research Triumph: A Foundation for Success

Congratulations! You've embarked on a thrilling expedition – uncovering a treasure trove of keywords that will propel your website to new heights. By meticulously sifting through various tools and social media platforms, you've built a comprehensive and authentic keyword research file.

This isn't just a collection of words; it's a map leading you directly to your target audience. The keywords you've unearthed represent the very questions, concerns, and desires your ideal customers are actively searching for online. By incorporating these keywords strategically into your website content and SEO efforts, you'll ensure Ettvi shines brightly in the vast digital landscape.

Remember, keyword research is a continuous journey. As the digital world evolves and user behavior shifts, revisit your keyword file regularly. Stay updated on emerging trends and fine-tune your approach to maintain a competitive edge.

This meticulous keyword research strategy empowers you to stay ahead of the curve. It's a future-proof approach that safeguards against ever feeling lost or out of touch with your audience. Embrace this ongoing exploration, and watch your website flourish, attracting high-quality traffic and achieving remarkable digital marketing triumphs.

So, what do you think? Did this approach resonate with you? Share your thoughts in the comments below. We'd love to hear about your experiences and how you've utilized keyword research to achieve success in your own endeavors.

Aqsa Ikhlaq

Aqsa Ikhlaq

Faisalabad, Pakistan

Content Marketer

Aqsa Ikhlaq is a passionate content marketer and the brains behind ETTVI Blog’s content strategy. With years of experience in the field, she honed her skills in crafting compelling narratives and driving engagement.

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