In simple terms, an aged domain is how old a domain is like if you registered a domain many years ago.
Domain Age Checker
Find out your domain age along with its creation, updation, and expiry date with ETTVI’s Domain Age Checker Tool.!
Domain Age Checker Features
Calculate Domain Age
Find Domain Registration Date
Check Domain Expiry Date
Related Tools
ETTVI'S Domain Age Checker
Find out when a domain was created, last updated, and when it will expire. Enter a domain name to know its age in years and months.
Developed to assist the webmasters, ETTVI's Domain Age Checker quickly determines the domain age and highlights how old is link. It effectively looks up the domain history to provide you with its creation, updation, and expiry date.
Examine the domain registration details before buying a website in real-time. Make sure that the domain is not new and offers a credible history for faster ranking.
Check the domain age and registration details of any website with website age checker for free of cost.

How to Check Domain Age?
Follow these simple steps to create natural backlinks with ETTVI’s advanced SEO tool:
STEP 1 - Enter URL
Specify the link to the website whose domain age you are required to check.
STEP 2 - Run the Tool
Click on “Check” to run ETTVI’s Domain Age Checker.
STEP 3 - Check Results
ETTVI’s Domain Age Checker will search through its extensive database to track the following details of the given website:
Domain Name
Domain Age
Creation Date
Updation Date
Expiry Date
Domain Age is considered as a Google Ranking factor but however Google denied it - It can be a ranking because Google is not hiding a ranking factor first time. But it will be a small ranking factor - So, it's up to you to follow it or not.
If you are SEO Expert then you already know that how many times we need to check domain age of a website but its very irritating to check the whois of domain and find created date and calculate its age - Plus, most of whois checkers are not working right now.
So, the Domain Age Checker tool is the best solution that we have today. Especially ETTVI Domain Age Checker because it provides a lot of functionalities that are not included in other tools.
While researching expired domains, we need to check the domain age and domain expiry date to guess the domain stats. So, we are giving features of checking domain age , created date, updated date and expiry date - You don’t need to use any other tool.

Understanding the Role of Domain Age in SEO
Search engine ranking is heavily influenced by the domain age of your website. As compared to new websites, a domain that has been registered more than a year ago is likely to rank higher. Websites that were established over 6 years ago are considered to be stable businesses.
What is Domain Age?
"Domain Age" can be defined as the length of time over which a domain name has been in existence. Consequently, we can say it is the age of a domain name. If a domain name was registered 12 years ago would be 12 years old today. What is the process behind a domain name? In a URL, you have the address of a website, such as An address contains the name of the website and the address through which people can access it.
Domain age matters for SEO?
Indeed, it is. Older domain names have a higher ranking in Google's search engine as there is less chance those organizations will close their doors. A parameter known as page rank was also considered by Google, but now it has been removed.
Are Aged Domains available for purchase?
The domain can be purchased if it is no longer being used. It is important to keep one thing in mind when purchasing those domains in order to achieve higher rankings in search engines. As a consequence, Google must also index a domain as soon as it is registered. An age of a domain is considered to be two years if the domain was registered 10 years ago and first listed on Yahoo or Bing 2 years ago. You need to keep the old keywords, if you change its keyword to domain authority checker, its ranking will start from scratch.
Why are aged domains easy to rank?
A new website must be indexed by all search engines at once, which requires pinging each search engine you wish to have included. Regarding older domains, they are already indexed by the search engines, so they need not be re-indexed.
Why would you want to check the age of a domain?
Depending on your reason for wanting to check the age of a domain name, you may want to do so in many ways. Testing a domain's age is among the most important methods of determining when a domain was registered and when it is currently active. Why we need this info? Because of 2 reasons:
Checking the age of a domain name before purchasing it
Performing a domain age check on a competitor's website
You can benefit from checking the age of your competitor's domain name in one specific way. It will be possible to verify how long their domain has been active, allowing you to know what competition you face. Additionally, if you check the age of the domain you are considering purchasing, you can gain some insight into what you might be getting into.
As a result of these two reasons, the following are the reasons why knowing the domain age is important:
The number of backlinks to a domain name allows you to determine the size of its backlink profile. If the domain name is older, it is likely to have a higher link profile. How come? There may be some links accumulated over the years, because it has already existed for a long period of time. In rankings, search engines evaluate backlinks both in quantity and quality, so it's possible the website owner built some high authority links. It can be a big plus for future owners if the previous owner performed SEO services in the past to create a strong link profile.
By looking at the domain's ranking in search engines, you can get an idea of how well it performs. It is likely that a domain name with a history of quality backlinks, coupled with an established domain name, will rank well in search. SEO experts often refer to the age of the domain as one of the key ranking factors used by Google. You can save a great deal of time, energy, and money by using a domain that already has a good organic search engine ranking. Checking a name's age will provide you with an indication of how well it is performing in search engine results.
The traffic estimates will give you a good idea of what to expect. A well-established and long-established domain has a fairly high possibility of receiving decent numbers of visitors. However, there are other things that affect website traffic, like posting regular content. Even if a domain name hasn't been updated for a while, it still performs better organically and directly than a new one.
The reputation of the domain name can be determined. Purchasing a brand-new domain name is necessary to establish a good reputation. Long-established domain names may have a reputation for being successful within their market segments. Thus, users already have a level of trust in the name, since it has been around and they are familiar with it. Domain names provide information regarding the age of a domain.
Domain name quality can be assessed in advance. If you keep these four points in mind, you may come to believe that all the long-standing domains are clean and enchanting. As an example, the previous owner may have applied black hat SEO techniques to gain an edge on the search engines which you want to avoid.

Frequently Ask Questions
What Does an Aged Domain Mean?
What is a Domain Age Checker?
Domain Age Checker helps you check the domain age of any website but ETTVI’s Domain Age Checker gives you some extra features like domain created date, expiry date and updated date.
Are Aged Domains Valuable?
Many trusted sources and SEO Experts believe that it's a ranking factor but a small one - But it is not confirmed.
How Do I Find Out How Old a Domain is?
You can use ETTVI’s Domain Age Checker tool to check the domain age of any website.
Is Google Accepting Aged Domains as a Ranking Factor?
Most SEO Experts believe that Domain Age is a small ranking factor but Google denied it. It can be or not be because a lot of times Google tries to hide ranking factors from us.

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