
Wordpress Theme Detector

Detect the WordPress Themes of Your Competitor Websites to Unlock the Secrets Behind their Captivating Look.



Quick Theme Tracker

Quick Theme Tracker

Tracks all the information of the WordPress theme of any website

Theme Popularity Checker

Theme Popularity Checker

Highlights the factors which marks the popularity of the WP themes

Similar Themes Finder

Similar Themes Finder

Suggests best and popular themes similar to the detected themes


Related Tools


ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector

Lookup WordPress Theme Details Including Popularity Factors and Similar Themes - For Free.

Keep a check on the themes of your competitor websites by using ETTVI'S WP Theme Detection Tool.

Track everything that makes the look of your competitor websites better than yours.

ETTVI has developed an advanced WP Theme Detector - just enter a domain name to find out which WordPress theme the website is using and how you can get it to enhance the quality of your own website.

Leverage the advanced features of ETVVI's WP Theme Detector to fetch the hosting and domain details of a website along with the list of title, version, creator, and description of its WordPress theme.

Get suggestions for the themes similar to the ones you detect!

From the similarity score to the number of sites using the respective theme, ETTVI's theme detection tools provide you with everything you need to enhance the outlook of your website.

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector

How to Use ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector

To detect the WordPress theme of a website, follow this two-step method:

Step 1: Enter Domain Name

Paste the link to a website to detect its WordPress theme.

Step 2: Run the Tool

Click on Detect

Step 3: Check Website Details

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector will track the details of the requested website and provides you with the:

  • ➔ Site Preview
  • ➔ Site Title
  • ➔ Hosting Check
  • ➔ Domain Check

Step 4: Check WP Theme Details

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector will detect the theme and provide you with the:

  • ➔ Theme Preview
  • ➔ Theme Name
  • ➔ Theme Version
  • ➔ Theme Author
  • ➔ Theme Description

You can click on Get Theme to get the requested theme for your website.

Step 5: Check Theme Popularity

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector will highlight the important information and popularity score of the detected theme.

Check out the "The Theme Popularity"

  • arrowTheme’s rank

  • arrowTheme provider’s position

  • arrowTheme’s search score

  • arrowNumber of theme users

Step 6: Check Similar Themes

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector will track the WordPress themes which are similar to the one you searched for.

Go to the “Similar Themes” section to check the Preview, Title, Description, and Similarity Score of each similar theme.

You can also check the Number of Websites which are using the respective themes.

How to Use ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector

Why Use ETTVI’s WP Theme Detection Tool?

Use WP Theme Detector to keep a check on the outlook of your competitor websites in a single click.

ETTVI's WP Theme Detector uses state-of-the-art technology to provide you with all the details of what makes the outlook of a website compelling and captivating.

The following features mark the worth and quality of ETTVI's WP Theme Detection Tool:

  • arrowQuick Theme Detection

  • arrowExtensive (Theme) Database

  • arrow100% Accurate Results

  • arrowBest Themes Suggestions

  • arrowFree to Use

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector will automatically fetch the details of the website’s WordPress theme including its name, version, author, and description.

It will also display the theme preview along with the website’s title, domain, and hosting details.

Leverage ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector to get:

  • arrowWP Theme Information

Enter a domain name to detect its WordPress theme and find everything you need to know about it.

ETTVI’s advanced WP Theme Detector will track the theme of the requested website and display the theme preview along with its name, version, description, and publisher.

  • arrowWP Theme Popularity

When you look up WP theme information, ETTVI’s advanced tool provides you with its popularity details as well.

It will enlist significant information about the theme’s rank, position, and usage to highlight its popularity among the WordPress users.

  • arrowWebsite Information

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector not only detects and highlights the information of a WordPress theme but tracks all the required information about the requested website as well.

When you enter a domain name to detect its WP theme, ETTVI’s advanced tool automatically displays the website preview and title along with its hosting and domain details.

Hurry up and check both the website and theme information of a domain with ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector - at once.

  • arrowSimilar Theme Suggestions

The best thing about ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector is that it enables the users to track similar themes as well.

Enter a website to check all the WordPress themes which are related to the relevant theme. This is the best and easiest way to prevent theme duplicacy.

Why Use ETTVI’s WP Theme Detection Tool?

ETTVIs WP Theme Detector VS Other Tools

Connect with ETTVI to use the advanced WP Theme Detector and learn everything that makes a website's appearance captivating and eye-catching.

While the other theme detectors only track the name and creator of WordPress themes, ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector offers you:

  • ArrowTopic name

  • ArrowTheme version

  • ArrowTopic Creator

  • ArrowTopic description

  • ArrowTopic popularity

  • ArrowWebsite title

  • ArrowWebsite-Hosting-Details

  • ArrowDomain name information

  • ArrowRelated topics

The WP Theme Detector by ETTVI is an innovative tool specifically tailored to the needs of search engine optimizers and developers.

Use ETTVI's WP Theme Detector to learn all about the eye-catching WordPress themes your competitor's website is using and come up with more captivating ideas to improve the look and feel of your website.

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector VS Other Tools

Who can Leverage ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector?

A WordPress Theme is what makes a website eye-catching and captivating.

Looking for the best ideas to develop and optimize the theme of the website you are working on?

Whatever website you find compelling and captivating, you can look up its WP Theme details.

People who can use ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector includes:

Web Developers

Enter the domain name of a website which looks good to you. ETTVI’s advanced theme detector will track all the information about it.

For your ease - it will suggest similar themes as well.

Ultimately, if you are a developer then you can take advantage of ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector to find the most captivating theme for the website you are developing.

SEO Experts

SEO experts can use ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector to come up with innovative ideas for website optimization from the UI/UX perspective.

ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector not only helps the search engine optimizers to detect the themes of their competitor websites but enables them to track all the information about their domain and hosting service provider as well.

It's an ultimate SEO asset which makes it easy to get insights into competitor websites and find out what makes their UI deliver a better user experience.

Digital Marketers

ETTVI has made it quite easier for the marketers and sellers to monitor and track the themes of top ranking web resources.

They can take advantage of ETTVI’sWP theme detector to look up the best suitable theme for their websites and web stores.


ETTVI’s WP theme detector helps the bloggers to track and get a WordPress theme which corresponds the best with their blog type and niche.

Enter the URL of any blog which you like and find out all the details of its domain and website theme.

Outrun the competitors and rank higher on SERPs - Leverage ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector to innovate your blog’s theme in an optimized way.

Who can Leverage ETTVI’s WP Theme Detector?

Frequently Ask Questions

What does a WP Theme Detector Do?

A WordPress theme detector helps you to detect the theme of any website with a single push of a button!

Once you enter the link of a website, the WP theme detector detects the theme and provides you with its details including the name, version, and author of the theme.


How does the WP Theme Detector help in SEO?

The WordPress Theme Detector is a useful SEO tool that allows the search engine optimizers as well as web developers to find captivating and compelling theme ideas for the optimization or development of their websites.

You found a website with a captivating look? Just run its link through the WP Theme Detector, and get to know all about its theme.

What makes ETTVI's WP Theme Detector best?

What makes ETTVI's WP Theme Detector best?

Can I search for any theme through ETTVI's WP Theme Detector?

Yes. ETTVI's extensive database includes almost all of the WP themes. You can run the link of any website through it, and get to know all about the theme of the website within the instant.


Can I use ETTVI's WP Theme Detector for free?

Yes. ETTVI gives you free access to use its WP Theme Detector (regardless of any usage limit).

Frequently Ask Questions

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