
Free Backlink Checker

Perform a Free In-depth Backlink Analysis to Gain a Competitive Edge in Real-time with ETTVI’s Backlink Analysis Tool.



In-depth Backlink Analysis

In-depth Backlink Analysis

Track and examine all types of backlinks to gain actionable insights into a website’s backlink profile

Assess Backlinks Quality

Assess Backlinks Quality

Measure the total number and ranking strength of a site’s backlinks to ensure an effective link building

Trace Referring Domains

Trace Referring Domains

Check a website’s referring domains to discover the high-authority and low-authority linking domains


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ETTVI’s Backlink Analysis

Get actionable data about a website’s backlinks with ETTVI’s Backlinks Checker which effectively examines the links pointing to a website to track its new, top, and bad-quality backlinks. The webmasters can leverage this backlink checker tool to calculate a website’s total backlinks including unique and no-follow backlinks. This efficient tool also computes the number of backlinks which direct traffic to a website’s homepage.

ETTVI’s Backlink Analysis determines the website strength based on its backlink quality. It helps the SEO experts to make sure that only high-authority websites pass link equity (ranking power) to the specified website. Get the URLs which contain anchor links to your website to track the referring domains or analyze anchor text distribution within the backlinks to find out any possible errors.

Specify any website’s domain name to gaquick insights into its backlink profile. ETTVI’s Backlinks Analysis Checker quickly analyze a website to:

  • ➔ Calculate overall backlinks
  • ➔ Measure the number of unique backlinks
  • ➔ Quantify the backlinks to the homepage
  • ➔ Estimate the backlinks with no-follow tags
  • ➔ Enlist the poor quality backlinks
  • ➔ Discover the top backlinks
  • ➔ Display the new backlinks
  • ➔ Find out the ranking strength of each backlink
  • ➔ Track the referring URLs along with their page titles
  • ➔ Highlight the anchor text and target URL of each backlink

Monitor the quality of your backlinks to keep your rankings higher on SERPs - for free of cost.

ETTVI’s Backlink Analysis

How to Use ETTVI’s Poor Backlinks Checker?

Follow these simple steps to analyze your website backlinks in real-time:

STEP 1 - Enter URL

Specify the website domain name in the search bar.

STEP 2 - Run the Tool

Click on “Analyze” to run ETTVI’s Backlink Checker.

STEP 3 - Measure Total Backlinks

ETTVI’s Poor Backlinks Checker will track and display the total number of:

  • ➔ All Backlinks

  • ➔ Unique Backlinks

  • ➔ Backlinks to Homepage

  • ➔ Nofollow Backlinks

STEP 4 - Check Top Backlinks

ETTVI’s Backlink checker will track the top backlinks of the given website and display their:

  • ➔ Ranking Strength

  • ➔ Linking Domain and Page Title

  • ➔ Anchor Text and Target URL

  • ➔ Creation Date

STEP 5 - Discover New Backlinks

ETTVI’s Backlink Analysis tool will track all newly created backlinks and display their:

  • ➔ Ranking Strength

  • ➔ Linking Domain and Page Title

  • ➔ Anchor Text and Target URL

  • ➔ Creation Date

STEP 6 - Expose Poor Backlinks

ETTVI’s Backlink Analysis Tool will track each poor backlink and display their:

  • ➔ Ranking Strength

  • ➔ Linking Domain and Page Title

  • ➔ Anchor Text and Target URL

  • ➔ Creation Date

How to Use ETTVI’s Poor Backlinks Checker?

Why Use ETTVI’s Backlink Analysis Tool?

ETTVI’s Backlink checker provides insightful data about the backlinks profile of your website. Its rich user interface makes it easier to monitor the backlinks quality without any subscription charges.

Get Insights into Your Backlinks Data

Its in-depth backlink analysis reveals how many top, new, poor, unique, and no-follow backlinks your website has. Moreover, it tracks the number of backlinks which drive traffic to your website’s homepage. Furthermore, it highlights the ranking strength of each backlink and displays your website’s URLs (along with the anchor texts). You can easily view the linking domains and pages which direct low-quality links to your website.

Inspect Your Backlinks Quality

This advanced SEO tool lets you know how many poor backlinks your website has and when each one of these links was created. It highlights the anchor text and target URL of each poor backlink. You can easily view and access the source as well as target URL.

Improve Your Link-building Strategy

The data about the website’s backlinks driven from its comprehensive analysis helps to build a more effective link building strategy which ultimately boosts the website’s off-page SEO. For sure, everything this intuitive tool highlights enables you to fill up the gaps which are debugging your website’s performance.

Examine Your Referring Domains

It highlights the page URLs (along with their titles) which point links and drive traffic to your website. This way it becomes hassle-free for you to inspect your referring domains and analyze the content of each linking page - separately. In short, you can easily filter out the low-quality backlinks and restrain from linking out to low-authority websites in future.

Why Use ETTVI’s Backlink Analyzer?

Other Tools

Frequently Ask Questions

What Does Backlink Analysis Tool Do?

ETTVI’s Poor Backlinks Checker has been designed and developed to provide a comprehensive backlinks report which highlights Total Backlinks, Unique Backlinks, Backlinks to Homepage, Nofollow Backlinks, Top Backlinks, New Backlinks, and Poor Backlinks. Moreover, it displays the ranking strength and creation date of each backlinks; referring page URLs along with their titles, and anchor texts with their target links.


What are Unique Backlinks?

ETTVI’s Backlink Checker measures the number of unique backlinks with respect to the linking domains of the website. The unique backlinks refers to the total number of backlinks which are acquired from different linking domains. For instance, if a website has 200 total backlinks but its linking domains are only 70 then it means that the respective website has only 70 unique backlinks.

What Does Links to Homepage Mean?

ETTVI’s Poor Backlinks Checker calculates and displays the total number of backlinks which direct to the homepage of the website. It means that the landing page for these backlinks is the website’s homepage.

Can I Check the Anchor Text of My Backlinks?

ETTVI’s Backlinks Checker displays new, top, and poor backlinks along with their anchor texts. You can easily view the keywords used as anchor text to point links to your website.


Can I Analyze My Website Backlinks For Free?

Yes. ETTVI’s Backlinks Checker is free to use. You can enter any website’s domain name to analyze its backlinks without paying any subscription charges.

Frequently Ask Questions

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