ETTVI’s link price calculator helps you in finding the price of a domain where you want to create backlinks through your website.
Link Price Calculator
Take Advantage of ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator to Measure Domain Worth and Calculate Link Cost

Calculate Link Price
Find out the price you are required to charge or pay for a link

Estimate Backlink Value
Analyze the linking domain to measure the quality of its backlink

Evaluate Domain Worth
Assess the authority of a website to make sure its worth linking
Related Tools
ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator
Get a quick estimate of how much a backlink on a particular URL will cost. ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator calculates the worth of a link based on the respective website’s reputation and popularity.
ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator uses a value-based pricing model to compute the price of a link. It carefully assesses the relevance, traffic, and authority of a website to evaluate its value and calculate the amount which you should invest to get a backlink from it.
Specify the website or web page URL to find out its price in real-time. ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator will quickly analyze the link to provide you with its price in US dollars. Compute the price of any website to make sure that it is worth linking.
Effectively measure the price you are required to charge or pay for a backlink with ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator for free of cost.

How to use ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator?
Follow these steps to generate the price of any URL where you want to show your link.
Step 1 - Open ETTVI’s Price Calculator
Open the ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator via
Step 2 - Enter URL of the Website
In the search bar, enter the URL of the website whose link price you want to find out. Use any of the following methods to enter the URL:
Type the website URL in the search bar
Copy & paste the URL of the website on the search bar
Enter up to 100 URLs at a time in separate lines of the search bar
Step 3 - Run the Tool
After you enter the URL, click “Calculate” below the search bar to get the price details of the link.

Why Should You Use ETTVI’s Link Price calculator?
Link building is a very useful strategy used by SEO experts to rank a website on a search engine like Google.
You can use ETTVI’s link price calculator to help you decide which websites links are worth your time. It also helps you determine which website link is within your budget. You can check up to 100 URLs at a time while using ETTVI’s link price calculator. Save the results in an Excel sheet for future purposes when you plan on doing link building of your website.
ETTVI’s link price calculator is an easy-to-use and user-friendly tool designed to provide you with price details of a URL. You can use it anywhere and anytime you want and best past it can be used unlimited times without needing to spend any money. Yes, it's completely free.
The link price calculator is a very useful SEO tool designed to help you in planning link building strategy for your website. A well-planned link building can get your website to get top ranking on Search engines and build authority of the website.

Everything you need to know about Link Building & Link Price Calculator
Backlinks are links that point from one website to another. They're also known as "inbound" or "incoming" links where the web resources may consist of websites, web pages, or directories. Backlinks are a form of reference, similar to a citation.
It's important to have backlinks in your content because it tells Google that other sites find your content or website worthwhile enough to link to it. Inferring that a website has valuable content by earning additional backlinks is one-way search engines rank a website well.
It is a very handy tool as it allows website owners and advertisers to estimate the cost of creating backlinks to their websites and create their promotion campaigns. The tool would tell you exactly how much you should charge per month for a specific link and how much you intend to charge per link per month. In addition, ETTVI's Link Price Calculator incorporates a special algorithm to determine the status of the website. The website gets indexed based on several factors including rank, age, as well as backlinks among others.
What Is The Purpose Of A Link Price Calculator?
Getting an accurate price estimate for links is difficult for many website owners. We developed this tool specifically to address this problem. Using the tool, link prices are calculated, so website owners know exactly how much of their budget will be spent on creating backlinking.
Backlinks are one of the most important factors in SEO. There are reasons why many site owners are willing to spend a large sum of money to obtain quality backlinks i.e. drive traffic or build authority. Link Price Calculator can be used to calculate the price of backlinks that you might be interested in knowing how much it would cost to link to your site. As soon as you get the estimated cost, you can buy the links from authoritative websites.
When do you need to use the Link Price Calculator?
Whether you want to sell or purchase a specific link, you can use ETTVI’s Link price calculator to calculate the value of all your links as well as the worth of any site that you wish to link to. It will help you to get quick estimates and know the worth of a domain & links.
How is the link price calculated?
Neither the link price calculation nor any other variable is disproportionately influenced by any particular variable. Several factors are taken into consideration when calculating the website price which includes relevancy, traffic, and domain authority. Whereas in order to evaluate the value of these, a link price calculator analyzes and assesses the following:
Alexa Rank
In the past few years,, a subsidiary of Amazon, has introduced a new ranking metric for websites. Users are tracked by using the Alexa Chrome Extension. As a result of the tracking, a database is created which contains information about the visitors to a website. The link price calculator considers the data from the Alexa database in calculating the price of the link.
Domain Age
It is very important to consider this aspect when checking the link price range for a website. By checking the age of the domain name, you will be able to determine how long the domain name has existed. Besides looking at this factor in an informative way, this is also a kind of indicator for us to measure the strength of a website in this niche market. ETTVI’s link price calculator checks the domain by the date it is created and how much it has lasted till now.
Backlink Profile
Backlink profiles indicate the total number of links leading to a particular website. The links can be internal, external, Do-Follow, No-follow, or a combination of the three. This acts as a statistical proxy for the recommendation for a web page. A good backlinking strategy means a higher price for the domain.
Google Indexing
On the internet, there is no doubt that Google is the most well-known and most popular of all search engines. The search engine's database is the largest and best of any search engine. Rank and indexing by Google is one of the biggest factors that determine the purchase price of a domain
Suspicious Domain
There are instances when a website does not have a good link price. There may be several reasons for this, such as the inexperience of the website, the small age of the domain, or even the small domain age.

Frequently Ask Questions
What is ETTVI’s Link Price Calculator?
Why do we need a link price calculator?
Through the ETTVI's Link Price Calculator, one can find out how reliable a website is by taking into account ranking, age, and backlinks. By using this tool, you can accurately determine how much you would charge or pay for a specific link on a monthly basis
How do you use ETTVI’s link price calculator?
Enter a website URL or multiple URLs (max 100) in separate lines on the search bar and click “Export” below. You will have the price of the URL you just entered.
Is ETTVI’s link price calculator free to use?
ETTVI’s link price calculator is a completely free-to-use tool for any individual anywhere and anytime. You can do unlimited searches for any URL you want at any time.
What if the tool doesn’t show the price of the URL I enter?
There is 24/7 customer service provided by ETTVI. Any issue regarding the tool not working or stopped working you can inform us, and we will resolve it as quickly as possible.

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