Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) are the SEO metrics developed by a well known company “MOZ”. These matrices are built to predict the website ranking. They are calculated on a scale of 1 to 100. In simple words, the more score, the more authority and ultimately ranking. DA PA Checker tool can help you get the authority score of the website.
Domain Authority Checker
Free DA PA Checker to check domain authority, compare it with competitor's data and backlinks quality.
Features of DA PA Checker Tool
Bulk DA PA Checker
With bulk domain authority checker, compare your DA & PA with your competitors and develop better strategy.
Quick Results
An SEO Tool which provides consistent and authentic domain authority analysis results. Best Da Checker Online!
Improve SEO
DA Checker Tool to track your SEO performance based on competitive domain authority and their strategies.
Related Tools
DA PA Checker Tool
Domain Authority Checker Tool is an asset for this era of SEO & Marketing. No, website is complete without marketing and SEO is incomplete without knowing the strengths and weakness of competitive websites.
Our advance AI based SEO Tool which analyzes the website deeply, checkes its backlinks and calculates the strength of the backlinks, generates results of DA PA.
Bulk Domain Authority Checker
Most advanced feature of domain authority checker tool here is that it has no limits. You can inspect numerous domains to check their DA at a time.
Our crawlers have already taken all of the URLs into account and have gone through their backlinks. We know their backlinks profiles and our DA checker presents the best of the results by checking the quality. SEO is considered to be all about backlinks. For experts, it is all about the quality of the backlinks which leads to have higher domain authority. Websites with higher DA have more chances to get ranked.
Leverage ETTVI’s DA PA Checker for free of cost to check the ranking strength of any website with ensured accuracy and efficiency.

How to Check Domain Authority?
Follow these simple steps to check domain authority of a website:
STEP 1 - Enter Domain Name
Specify the link to the web page or domain whose domain authority you want to check as follows:
STEP 2 - Run the Tool
Click on “Check” to run ETTVI’s DA PA Checker.
STEP 3 - Check Results
ETTVI’s DA PA Checker will provide you with a detailed insight report to check the domain authority score of a website. It will provide you with a Page Authority score as well.

How ETTVI's Domain Authority Checker is Better?
Website Authority Checker is the best creation took place at ETTVI. Our AI experts have learnt thorough process of MOZ's DA analyzer and have created the best version to analyze the domain authority of any website with a winkle.
Looking at the insights and comparing with other existing tools online - ETTVI DA PA Checker is one of the most website analysis tools recommended by the webmasters with the fact of its agility.
Enhanced User Experience
Hovering over the multiple tools is required to the user because there is no such tool over the internet which has been designed from the “right user’s” perspective. DA/PA cannot be the tool of use to professionals only. Anyone having little knowledge of a website worth calculation, will jump directly to check domain authority of a website. Making that experience personalized for each user is the primary task of ETTVI. Domain Authority Checker tool is the proof of our claim, get your results within 2 seconds, whether checking for single domain or for bulk.
World’s Best Domain Authority Checker
ETTVI being Best SEO Tools providing agency, has spent years of experience and months of efforts to design the architecture of the software with which a naive or expert gets the same experience. DA PA Checkers are always pronounced together, unlike any other tool, Domain authority checker here is providing the results in the same output for both. Enhancing the user experience and making results better makes this DA checker tool the best over the internet.

Domain Authority and Website Authority - Way to the Ranking | SEO Improvement
Majority of the people take DA and PA as something that contributes to the ranking of a website and web pages, respectively. DA PA Checker can help you get the idea about the performance of your website. The domain authority (DA) points towards the chances of a website’s ranking, likewise, the page authority (PA) indicates the likelihood of a web page’s ranking (on SERPs)
To get in detail information about Domain Authority and Page Authority and how to use DA PA Checker, check our latest guide: (Domain Authority and Page Authority: A Comprehensive Guide Link).
Basically, we leverage the DA and PA to ensure the worth of websites and web pages from the SEO perspective. As the name depicts, the domain authority tells how authoritative a website is and the page authority tells how authoritative a web page is.
SEO maintains Quality; Quality marks Authority, and Authority builds Reputation
So, if you want your website and web pages to be authoritative and reputative, all you need to do is to find the website’s authority score with DA PA Checker Tool which will help you enhance the quality of your web content resulting in improved appearance on SERPs.
We got you all covered - stay with us to know about the best techniques to increase your website DA PA in 2022 while getting the accurate website authority score with DA PA Checker tool.
However, first of all, let’s get a hold on a descriptive account of “Domain Authority” and “Page Authority”.
What is Domain Authority?
Domain Authority (Moz DA) can be marked as a metric that measures the “ranking strength” of a website. Our DA PA Checker Tool measures the ranking strength of an entire domain or subdomain using a 100-point logarithmic scale.
When it comes to scoring and considering what should be the score or asking what can be a good score to achieve?
Below 30 is the DA score which can be achieved quickly via quality content creation whereas the Domain Authority score around 50 or more than that can be hard to achieve and counted as the good DA or PA. There are many tools available to gauge the website’s authority score and DA PA Checker is the best so far. The domains like have secured the domain authority of around 88 which means the “industry thought leader” is there.
In other words, DA is a search engine ranking score as it enables us to find out “how liable a website is to rank on SERPs”. The DA PA Checker tool is the best way to find the domain authority score.
If a website has a high DA score then there is a strong possibility that the content you publish on it, will rank higher.
Yes, that’s right - Higher DA indicates higher chances of website’s ranking. So use the DA PA Checker tool to find the authority score of the website.
Still Confused and scratching your head to know why?
By DA - we mean that domain authority which depicts the strength of a website to get ranked on SERPs means that its SEO health Score is aptly managed. It tells us “how well a website is doing from the SEO perspective”. You can use the DA PA Checker to know that a website with high DA will rank higher as it is well-optimised and meets all the needs of SEO.
What is Page Authority?
Page Authority (Moz PA) marks the “ranking strength” of a particular web page. It gauges the ranking strength of a webpage on a scale 1 to 100. A higher score (above 50) on this 100-point logarithmic scale indicates good PA. DA PA Checker can be used to check the page authority of a webpage.
In simple words, page Authority tells us how well a web page is optimized and how likely it is to rank on SERPs.
Higher page authority indicates higher chances of a page’s ranking.
If you are wondering can I measure the authority of any page of my website? YES, You can! It just needs to be checked one by one for each page with DA PA Checker tool but can be done for posts,articles, webpages or any single page such as the “contact us” page can also be checked.
Domain Authority VS Page Authority
The only difference between Domain Authority and Page Authority is that the DA signifies the ranking strength of a complete website whereas the PA signifies the ranking strength of a single page only.
Higher PA leads to higher DA which indicates both domain authority and page authority are crucial to website ranking. You can leverage ETTVI’s DA PA Checker to find out the ranking potential of your website or individual web pages.
How to Increase Domain Authority?
To increase the chances of ranking and gain more traffic, your website must have better domain authority. Same goes for a web page - it needs a higher Page Authority. DA PA Checker can be used to check the domain and page authority.
There are four major factors that contributes to increase a website DA and PA:
- ➞ User Experience
- ➞ Content
- ➞ Keywords
- ➞ Backlinks
In order to increase the Domain Authority, make sure that your website delivers a great user experience and has quality backlinks.
Likewise, to increase the Page Authority, you need to ensure that the target web page provides a great experience to its users and gets quality backlinks.
In both cases, this is only possible when the content published on the webpage has higher relevance to the intent of the visitor and it is worthy to be read by him.
So, ultimately, you need to:
- ➞ Optimize your web content (theme, layout, text, metadata)
- ➞ Leverage right & relevant keywords
- ➞ Use DA PA Checker to monitor the changes in authority score

Techniques to Increase Domain Authority and Page Authority
There is no pet definition or methodology with which you can increase the domain authority or page authority of any website. DA PA Checker is the best tool to gauge the authority of a website. Following are some useful SEO practices which can play part in every niche and can be responsible for the pause in the growth of DA/PA:
- ➞ Improve The User Experience
- ➞ Optimize Your Content
- ➞ Create Skyscraper Content
- ➞ Prioritize Keyword Relevancy
- ➞ Optimize Your Metadata
- ➞ Build Quality Backlinks
- ➞ Build Effective Structure
- ➞ Leverage Internal Linking
- ➞ Improve the Site Speed
Once you have got the authority score from DA PA checker, the following effective techniques can help you to increase your website DA PA faster.
Improve The User Experience
“User Experience is the Essence of a Website”
A good user experience is all that the search engine asks you to deliver. Yes, if your users can easily obtain what they need then your website is good to go - your website’s DA and PA keeps increasing. And that’s why it is a good idea to keep track of authority scores with the DA PA Checker tool.
But do you know what is a good user experience?
Findability, Accessibility, Desirability, Usability, and Credibility all together ensures a good user experience. In short, everything on your website must be “useful” and “valuable” for the users.
To make this happen, you need to cater to the needs of both the search engine and users. It’s simple: optimize and innovate your web content.
Enhance everything that constitutes your website including theme, structure, text, and visuals to make your web content useful & keep checking domain and page authority with DA PA Checker tool.
The chances of ranking increases when a website caters to all the needs of its users in a smooth way. So, ultimately, you need to:
- ➞ Make your content discoverable (organize it well)
- ➞ Enable easy navigation (e.g use CTAs)
- ➞ Create engaging & captivating content
- ➞ Make it all easy-to-use
- ➞ Be reliable & trustworthy
- ➞ Be worthy & helpful
Meet all these needs to enhance the essence of your website which in turn, will increase its Domain and Page Authority.
Optimize Your Content
“Optimized Content is the Core of Domain & Page Authority”
Everything that we display on a website is called “Web Content”. It can be textual, aural, and visual.
Keep in view that in order to increase the domain or page authority, the content that we upload on our website must be unique, engaging, and well-optimized. DA PA Checker can help you find the accurate authority score of the website.
Here, we are only concerned with the content that we publish in the form of articles e.g blog posts.
So, if you are running a blog then what would you do to increase its DA & PA?
You know what - SEOs believe that 95% of blog ranking depends upon content. If the blog content is good in terms of relevance, readability & SEO then there’s a strong possibility that it will rank higher on SERPs and the DA PA Checker will show a higher score for it.
Now, think of a blog post as a way to increase Website’s page authority. So, if you are creating content for a blog post then you must optimize it according to SEO algorithms.
Simply, to optimize your content, you need to be cautious about:
- Relevance
- Readability
- Keyword Density
- Keyword Placement
More simply, it’s all about finding the right & relevant keywords and then placing them appropriately within the well-written & easy-to-understand content.
Optimize the web content well enough to increase its quality and popularity which in turn, will increase website’s authority score on DA PA Checker tool.
Keep in mind that the optimization of content isn’t limited to the text, images, and videos we publish in the form of articles as it includes the metadata of articles as well (e.g. url, title tag & description).
Create Skyscraper Content
“Engaging & Evergreen Content Keeps Driving Traffic”
Creating optimized content serves nothing if it can not captivate the visitors. Therefore, you must create engaging content that hooks your readers straight away - this is what we call skyscraper content strategy. You will see a higher authority score on DA PA Checker for websites that publish engaging and optimized content.
You must know that the goal of skyscraper strategy is to earn quality backlinks through the creation of long-form evergreen content based on trending keywords. So, we can use it to increase the PA/DA of our website.
Let us make it simple: you need to deploy the skyscraper technique and create evergreen content in a way that outranks your competitors on SERPs.
Yes, evergreen content written in a well-structured and captivating way is all you need to keep driving traffic on your blog because the more the visitors, the more the Domain Authority and Page Authority.
Take in account that the best way to create skyscraper content is to discover trending keywords relevant to your niche and then create such content that delivers novel information to the readers in an interesting way and keep tracking with DA PA Checker tool.
Bring Something New to the Table!
Prioritize Keyword Relevancy
“Keyword Relevance is the Key to Success”
You know what - keywords are the foundation of web content. We create content on the basis of the keywords that are right and relevant to our niche(s). Therefore, the keywords help the search engine to identify and understand the content we display on our website.
Irrelevant keywords hinders the search engine from understanding what your content is about which in turn, badly affects both your website ranking and authority(whether its page or domain) and lower score on DA PA Checker tool.
Simply, just as we avoid using the keywords with low volume and high difficulty, we should not go for the keywords that don’t match the search intent of our target audience.
Here’s the thing you should be cautious about, if you want to increase your DA & PA. You shouldn’t swamp your content with keywords. Just be specific and limited - target only a few right and relevant keywords.
Precisely, use the keywords that are not only right in terms of volume and competition but relates to the niche for which you are creating content.
Optimize Your Metadata
“A well-optimized Metadata is the Webmaster’s Gambit”
Metadata includes title tag, URL slug, meta description, and alternative text.
You must know that the metadata holds tremendous importance as it highlights the content intent in a precise manner. With the help of well-structured metadata, both the search engine and users easily understand what your content is about and this will also reflect as a good score on DA PA Checker.
For high domain authority and page authority, you must optimize the metadata of your web contents including articles, products, and services.
Have a look below to know how to generate optimized metadata for the web content and make sure it ranks higher on SERPs alongwith a good authority score on DA PA Checker. Title Tag Optimization:
Title Tag Optimization:
The title highlights the content intent and intrigues the users to open the link.
So, you need to create a well-structured and innovative title to display on the snippet.
Take in account that:
- the length of your title tag should be average (70 characters maximum)
- your focus keyword must appear in the beginning of your title
You can use emotional or power words to generate a persuading and captivating title but you must keep it seo-friendly. Besides, it is important to keep tracking the authority score with DA PA Checker.
Meta Description Optimization:
The goal of meta description is to describe the intent of your content in a precise way. Basically, it helps the readers to track what they are looking for on the search engine.
So, you better be accurate and brief when highlighting the content intent through the meta description.
Take in account that a well-optimized meta description:
- should be 130-character long (at max)
- must include focus and related keywords (for once)
While doing these changes to optimize websites, keep checking the authority score with DA PA Checker.
URL Slug Optimization:
The search engine prefers a simple and short URL slug that highlights the subject of your content.
To generate a well-optimized URL, make sure that you add your focus keyword in it’s slug and highlight the content intent in a precise way.
URL Slug Optimization:
The search engine prefers a simple and short URL slug that highlights the subject of your content.
To generate a well-optimized URL, make sure that you add your focus keyword in it’s slug and highlight the content intent in a precise way.
Tip: Avoid using the long titles as the slug.
Image Alt Text Optimization:
When we add images to the content, we need to optimize them as well. This will help in better ranking on SERPs and a higher DA PA Checker score.
The most crucial part of image optimization is the addition of alt text.
We add an alt text to the images that tells the search engine about the subject and purpose of the images.
Keep in mind that the SEO-friendly alt text contains the keywords that you target in your content.
Build Quality Backlinks
"Quality Backlinks are a Website’s Treasure"
When it comes to enhancing the quality and domain authority of a website, backlinks serve the best.
It is the best and major off-page seo strategy that we use to fetch more traffic and improve the search engine visibility which in turn, boost our website ranking and improve ratings on DA PA Checker.
Undoubtedly, the Quality Backlink Building leads to a potent increase in website Domain Authority and Page Authority. .
Keep in mind that, the quality backlinks are only those which:
- Contains a do-follow tag
- Comes from multiple but relevant websites (with high domain authority)
Moreover, to enhance the quality of backlinks, you need to make sure that the target keyword is added in the anchor text within an SEO-friendly content. This will increase the authority score as checked with DA PA Checker Tool.
Well, there are some things that you should avoid when getting backlinks.
The don’ts of backlink building includes:
- Don’t get backlink without your target keyword in the anchor text
- Don’t get a backlink with nofollow tag
- Don’t get a backlink from illegal sites
- Don’t get a backlink from irrelevant and low Domain Authority sites
- Don’t get paid backlinks from PBNs
- Don’t avoid getting backlinks from websites with low Page Rank
- Don’t get backlinks from the same website again and again
- Don’t get multiple backlinks (consecutively) in a short period
You must follow these guidelines when getting backlinks or else, your website Domain Authority and Page Authority won’t increase and DA PA Checker will not show a good score.
Build Effective Structure
“A Well-organized Site Structure Delivers a Good User Experience”
UX enhancement is an integral part of website SEO because in order to rank on the search engine, the website must be user-friendly. Whereas to ensure user-friendliness, you need to build an effective site structure. DA PA Checker gives a high score for well structured websites.
We often think that only the visuals make the users like a website but it is the ease and convenience that users look for in actuality.
Indeed, the captivating themes and layouts makes your website desirable for your users but what makes it effective enough to deliver a good user experience includes “findability” and “accessibility”.
The contents on your website (including pages, products, services, and articles) must be easy-to-discover and easy-to-use as it plays a role in getting higher scores with DA PA Checker.
To do so, you need to organize your web content in a flat hierarchy.
Yes, the Flat Site Structure is what you need to make your web content “findable” and “accessible”.
Leverage Internal Linking
“Internal Linking Makes Your Content Easy-to-Find”
Both the search engine and our users prefer it if they can easily find everything on our website. Internal linking really comes in handy when we are required to relate our web contents with one another and make them discoverable and increase authority score with DA PA Checker.
Yes, we can use the “internal linking strategy” to create a linkage between all the related articles on our website.
In order to increase the Domain authority and page authority of your website, you must link out your related contents and enable easy navigation for both the Google crawler and your users.
Improve Site Speed
“A faster-loading website is what both the users and the search engine likes”
You know what - neither the search engine nor the users likes it when your website takes time to load. The slow loading speed leaves a very bad impact on the authority of the website and its web pages and reduces score on DA PA Checker.
Both your website and web page speed should be fast enough to deliver a good user experience.
Take in account that you can improve the loading speed of your website and web pages, just by:
- Compressing the Images
- Minifying the Codes (HTML, CSS & JavaScript)
- Activating the Browser Caching
- Reducing the Redirects
- Using a CDN
Please check our guide “How to Improve Domain Authority” to get in depth tips and tricks that will definitely boost your website authority.

Frequently Ask Questions
What is DA and PA in SEO?
How to Increase the PA and DA of Websites?
Get the authority score with DA PA Checker. Here are some proven techniques to increase PA and DA of website:
- Improve The User Experience
- Optimize Your Content
- Create Skyscraper Content
- Prioritize Keyword Relevancy
- Optimize Your Metadata
- Build Quality Backlinks
- Build Effective Structure
- Leverage Internal Linking
- Improve the Site Speed
How to check the domain authority of a website with DA PA Checker?
Just enter the complete domain name of your website (including https://) in the URL bar. Click on the “check” and wait for a few seconds until ETTVI’s Site DA PA Checker displays your website’s Domain Authority and Page Authority.
How to Check Page Authority with DA PA Checker?
Follow these steps to check Page Authority (PA):
- Visit ETTVI’s DA PA Checker
- Specify the web page or domain in DA PA Checker for which you want to check Page Authority Score.
- Click on “Check”
- Enjoy :)
Why is Domain Authority Important?
Domain Authority (DA) is important because it is a metric that measures your website ranking. Websites having higher DA have the higher probability of ranking as compared to the one with low domain authority. DA PA Checker is used to verify the authority of websites or web pages.
It’s somehow like page rank - A Google algorithm that decides website ranking. But it’s no longer visible so, you can consider Domain Authority to measure the strength of a website.
Is Domain Authority a Ranking Factor?
The simple answer is “No”. Domain Authority (DA) is not a ranking factor and does not even have any effect on SERPs. It’s just a metric or algorithm to measure the strength or authority of a website but it is clear that this is not a ranking and can be manipulated easily. DA PA Checker is used to get the domain authority score of the website.
Can I use ETTVI’s Domain Rank Checker for free?
Yes. You can leverage ETTVI’s domain authority checker without paying any subscription charges. This is a bulk DA and PA checker which can check the authority score of multiple websites and web pages at a time.

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