Yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Tentang Tautan Jangkar
Cara terbaik untuk memanfaatkan tautan jangkar dalam SEO situs web adalah dengan mempelajari segala sesuatu tentang teks tautan. Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan Anda untuk membaca panduan ini secara menyeluruh.
Apa itu Anchor Text?
Kata kunci yang kita hyperlink disebut dengan teks jangkar (anchor text). Sederhananya, ketika kita melampirkan tautan ke sebuah kata atau frasa, itu menjadi jangkar bagi pengguna yang mengarahkan mereka ke halaman baru atau bagian lain dalam konten.
Saat kita menambahkan link ke teks jangkar, itu disebut link jangkar.
Apa itu Hyperlink?
Hyperlink adalah frasa yang dapat diklik yang memungkinkan pengguna menavigasi ke halaman baru atau bagian lain dalam konten masing-masing.
Apa itu Tautan Jangkar?
Saat kita membuat hyperlink pada teks jangkar, itu menjadi tautan jangkar. Ini dapat didefinisikan sebagai elemen halaman web yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menavigasi ke halaman web baru atau bagian lain pada halaman yang sama.
Webmasters add anchor links in the content so that the users can easily jump from one part to another part of a web page without scrolling. Moreover, they use anchor links for link building. Undoubtedly, anchor links and SEO have a direct relationship.
And you know what - anchor links which we call the jump links contribute a lot to enhance the usability of a website.
What is an Anchor Tag?
An anchor tag can be defined as the HTML element which creates an anchor link. There is a set of link attributes or anchor tags including href, name, target, title, and rel which we use to create anchor links as required.
Keep in mind that the href attribute must be added to specify the target URL. Whereas the other anchor tags can be added to improve the link’s performance if required.
Tip: If you don’t know how to create anchor text then use ETTVI’s Anchor Tag Text Generator.
Typically, the SEOs hyperlinks the anchor text (potential keywords) for external and internal linking. You can use ETTVI’s bulk hyperlink generator online to create anchor links with ease.
Why is Anchor Text Important For SEO?
Anchor Text is used for external and internal link building. The anchor text should be the keyword which highlights the intent of the linked resource.
The anchor text helps the users to decide whether they should click through the anchor link or not. Ultimately, it delivers a good user experience which in turn, contributes to website SEO.
If you want to validate the anchor texts of your website backlinks then we suggest you use ETTVI’s backlink analysis tool which serves as the best backlink anchor text checker.
How Do You Optimize an Anchor Link?
The best SEO practice for anchor links says that the keyword which you choose as the anchor text must be relevant to the content of the target URL.
In simple words, a keyword-based anchor link helps both the search engine and users to understand the content intent of the target web resource. Moreover, it would be best to add the “rel” attribute along with the “href” tag when creating an anchor link.
You can use ETTVI’s anchor text tool to create optimized anchor links for free of cost. Once you leverage it, you’ll see this is the most effective online anchor tag generator which works as a bulk link generator also.
Why Do You Create a Jump Link?
Jump links are the anchor links which enables the users to navigate from one section to another section of a web page.
In simple words, the jump links help to deliver an enhanced user experience - the users can simply click on the “jump link” in order to jump to the hyperlinked section (without scrolling).
Tip: ETTVI’s anchor text html code generator is an effective tool which you can use to generate jump links without any hassle.
How Do You Create an Anchor Link?
CMS-based websites come up with in-built tools and plugins to create and add anchor links. However, there are some limits to it as well.
Apakah situs web Anda berjalan pada CMS atau HTML, Anda dapat menggunakan Anchor Text Generator ETTVI untuk menghasilkan hyperlink untuk teks jangkar Anda (buat teks jangkar html) sesuai kebutuhan.
Gunakan Anchor Link Generator ETTVI untuk menghasilkan tautan asli (URL situs web target) untuk teks jangkar Anda (kata kunci jangkar yang ingin Anda hyperlink dengan url target)