
Hyperlink Generator (Anchor Text)

Hyperlink Your Anchor Texts For Quality Link Building


Note: Enter Comma Separated Values.

Note: Enter Comma Separated Values.


Hyperlink Your Anchor Text

Hyperlink Your Anchor Text

Enter the keyword and target URL to generate an SEO-friendly anchor link

Add Link Attributes

Add Link Attributes

Specify the value of “rel” attribute or add the “target” tag to optimize the anchor link

Bulk Anchor Links Generator

Bulk Anchor Links Generator

Upload a list of URLs and keywords to create multiple anchor links at a time


Related Tools


ETTVI’s Hyperlink Generator

Generate user-friendly and search-engine-optimized hyperlinks for your anchor texts

ETTVI’s anchor text creator enables the webmasters to add the “link attributes" in the anchor texts and customize the anchor links just as required.

With the help of this bulk hyperlink generator, you can easily:

  • ➞ Generate anchor text from keywords

  • ➞ Specify the relation between the source content and target URL

  • ➞ Stipulate the way the target URL should be opened

  • ➞ Create anchor links in bulk

  • ➞ Export anchor links with one-click

Make it easy for your users to navigate throughout the content without scrolling and jump to the relevant web pages to deliver an enhanced user experience with just one click. Leverage ETTVI’s online anchor text generator to create jump links, outbound links, and internal links in bulk - for free.

ETTVI’s Anchor Text Generator

How to Use ETTVI’s Anchor Text Generator?

ETTVI enables you to hyperlink a single or multiple anchor links as required.

One-Click Generator

Follow these steps to hyperlink a single anchor text:

STEP 1 “Enter Anchor URL”

Enter the Anchor URL (the web address of the page/post that you are required to link with your content) in the URL bar

STEP 2 “Enter Anchor Text”

Enter the Anchor Text (the keyword that you want to hyperlink) in the Anchor Text bar

STEP 3 “Specify Rel Tag”

Click on “Rel Attribute” to select the required value of relation tag.

You can choose from the following options:

  • Alternate

  • Author

  • Bookmark

  • Help

  • License

  • Next

  • NoFollow

  • Noreferrer

  • Prefetch

  • Prev

  • Search

  • Tag

STEP 4 “Add Target Tag”

Click on “Open in New Tab” to add the target tag.

STEP 5 “Generate”

Click the “Generate” button to generate the hyperlink of the given anchor text.

STEP 6 “Check Anchor Text”

Once you click the generate button, the tool will run, and display the:

  • Target URL
  • Anchor Text (Keyword)
  • Hyperlink (Anchor Link)

Click the “copy” to copy the Anchor Link.

Bulk Generator

Follow these steps to generate anchor links in bulk:

STEP 1 “Enter Target URLs”

Use any of the following ways to enter the Target URLs:

  • Write/Paste the list of Target URLs in the “Text Box”
  • Click the “Upload Icon” to upload an excel sheet of anchor URLs from your System
  • Click the “Drive Icon” to upload an excel sheet of anchor URLs from your Google Drive
STEP 2 “Enter the Anchor Texts”

Use any of the following ways to enter the Anchor Texts:

  • Write/Paste the list of Anchor Keywords in the “Text Box”
  • Click the “Upload Icon” to upload a sheet of anchor keywords from your System
  • Click the “Drive Icon” to upload a sheet of anchor keywords from your Google Drive
STEP 3 “Specify Rel Tag”

Click on “Rel Attribute” to select the value of the relation tag. You can choose any of the following rel values as required:

  • Alternate

  • Author

  • Bookmark

  • Help

  • License

  • Next

  • NoFollow

  • Noreferrer

  • Prefetch

  • Prev

  • Search

  • Tag

STEP 4 “Add Target Tag”

Click on “Open in New Tab” to specify how the target resource will be opened.

STEP 5 “Generate”

Click the “Generate” button to get the list of the Anchor Links

STEP 6 “Check Results”

When you click on generate then ETTVI’s tool will run and display the generated Hyperlinks.

STEP 7 “Save Results”

Use any of the following ways to save the Anchor Links:

  • Click on export to export the list of Anchor Links to an excel sheet
  • Click on copy to copy the list of Anchor Links
 How to Use ETTVI’s Anchor Text Generator?

Why Use ETTVI’s Anchor Text Generator Tool?

Link building is very important and a crucial strategy when it comes to the search engine optimization of a website.

You can use ETTVI’s bulk anchor text creator to hyperlink the anchor text in your web content so that when the user clicks it, he is easily directed to the targeted web page or section. This ensures increased traffic and enhanced user experience.

The easy-to-use and efficient interface of ETTVI’s tool processes your target URL and keyword to provide you with the SEO-friendly href/hyperlinks. Ultimately, ETTVI’s Anchor Text Generator is a valuable SEO tool which enables you to create jump links, outbound links, and internal links in real-time.

Why Use ETTVI’s Anchor Text Generator Tool?

All You Need to Know About Anchor Links

The best way to make the most of anchor links in website SEO is to learn everything about anchor texts. Therefore, we recommend you to read this guide thoroughly.

What is the Anchor Text?

The keyword which we hyperlink is called anchor text. In simple words, when we attach a link to a word or phrase, it becomes the anchor for the users which directs them to a new page or another section within the content.

When we add a link to an anchor text, it is called anchor link.

What is Hyperlink?

Hyperlink is a clickable phrase which enables the users to navigate to a new page or another section within the respective content.

Typically, the SEOs hyperlinks the anchor text (potential keywords) for external and internal linking. You can use ETTVI’s bulk hyperlink generator online to create anchor links with ease.

What is Anchor Link?

When we hyperlink an anchor text, it becomes an anchor link. It can be defined as a web page element that enables the users to navigate to a new web page or another section on the same page.

Webmasters add anchor links in the content so that the users can easily jump from one part to another part of a web page without scrolling. Moreover, they use anchor links for link building. Undoubtedly, anchor links and SEO have a direct relationship.

And you know what - anchor links which we call the jump links contribute a lot to enhance the usability of a website.

What is an Anchor Tag?

An anchor tag can be defined as the HTML element which creates an anchor link. There is a set of link attributes or anchor tags including href, name, target, title, and rel which we use to create anchor links as required.


Keep in mind that the href attribute must be added to specify the target URL. Whereas the other anchor tags can be added to improve the link’s performance if required.

Tip: If you don’t know how to create anchor text then use ETTVI’s Anchor Tag Text Generator.

Why is Anchor Text Important For SEO?

Anchor Text is used for external and internal link building. The anchor text should be the keyword which highlights the intent of the linked resource.

The anchor text helps the users to decide whether they should click through the anchor link or not. Ultimately, it delivers a good user experience which in turn, contributes to website SEO.

If you want to validate the anchor texts of your website backlinks then we suggest you use ETTVI’s backlink analysis tool which serves as the best backlink anchor text checker.

How Do You Optimize an Anchor Link?

The best SEO practice for anchor links says that the keyword which you choose as the anchor text must be relevant to the content of the target URL.

In simple words, a keyword-based anchor link helps both the search engine and users to understand the content intent of the target web resource. Moreover, it would be best to add the “rel” attribute along with the “href” tag when creating an anchor link.

You can use ETTVI’s anchor text tool to create optimized anchor links for free of cost. Once you leverage it, you’ll see this is the most effective online anchor tag generator which works as a bulk link generator also.

Why Do You Create a Jump Link?

Jump links are the anchor links which enables the users to navigate from one section to another section of a web page.

In simple words, the jump links help to deliver an enhanced user experience - the users can simply click on the “jump link” in order to jump to the hyperlinked section (without scrolling).

Tip: ETTVI’s anchor text html code generator is an effective tool which you can use to generate jump links without any hassle.

How Do You Create an Anchor Link?

CMS-based websites come up with in-built tools and plugins to create and add anchor links. However, there are some limits to it as well.

Whether your website runs on a CMS or HTML, you can use ETTVI’s Anchor Text Generator to generate hyperlinks for your anchor texts (create html anchor text) as required.

Use ETTVI’s Anchor Link Generator to generate authentic links (URL of the target website) for your anchor texts (the anchor keyword which you want to hyperlink with the target url)

 All You Need to Know About Anchor Links

Frequently Ask Questions

What are anchor links?

An anchor link can be best defined as a URL added (hyperlinked) to a keyword or phrase in web content. When the hyperlinked anchor keyword is clicked, it leads the user to the targeted section of the web content.

The Anchor Links are added for inbound or backlinking. You can use ETTVI’s online hyperlink creator to generate backlink anchor text or any other anchor text link for free.


What is the “rel” attribute in HTML?

The “rel” attribute (in HTML Hyperlinking) indicates the relationship between the linked web contents. It comes up with a different value whereas each value depends on the element on which the “rel” attribute is added/found.

When generating an anchor link, you are required to choose the required rel attribute.

How can I generate anchor links?

The best and easiest way to generate anchor links is the use of ETTVI’s anchor links generator.

Well, you can easily use this anchor text suggestion tool to create anchor text from keywords - use it as a dofollow or nofollow link generator to hyperlink your anchor texts just as you require.

Just enter the target URL and anchor keyword and then add the “link attributes''. ETTVI’s anchor text checker tool will process your information and provide you with an SEO-friendly anchor link to add to your web content and enable the user to jump to the targeted web page/section with a single click.

How do Anchor Links help in SEO?

Link building is an integral part of the SEO of websites. The use of anchor links enables the SEO experts to build quality links (jump links, inbound links, outbound links, and internal links). Ultimately, the anchor links help to improve website SEO and user experience. You can use ETTVI’s anchor text optimization tool to generate and customize anchor tags for free of cost.


Can I use Anchor Text Maker for free?

You can use ETTVI’s Anchor Text Generator Online for free to generate high-quality hyperlinks for your anchor texts.

Frequently Ask Questions

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