
Domain WHOIS Lookup

Discover the Domain WHOIS Details, DNS Records, Relevant Domain Names, and Similar Websites All Together - For Free



Advance WHOIS Checker

Advance WHOIS Checker

Look up the WHOIS details of your domain with just one click!

Extensive WHOIS Database

Extensive WHOIS Database

Enter the URL of any domain and check its WHOIS details instantly.

One-click DNS Lookup

One-click DNS Lookup

Check the DNS report of your domain along with its WHOIS details.


Related Tools


ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker

Track domain WHOIS information, DNS records, related domain names, and similar sites- all at once

Enter the URL of a website and check everything you need to know about its domain.

ETTVI’s WHOIS Checker will provide you with the Registrar Info, WHOIS Server, Referral URL, Expiry Date, Registration Date, Updatation Date, Nameservers, and Registrar Data of any domain.

ETTVI’s WHOIS tool comes up with an in-built DNS Record Checker which enables you to track a domain’s IP Address, IP Location, ASN, IP History, Register History, and SEO Score.

BONUS FEATURE: ETTVI’s tool automatically tracks theb relevant domain names and the list of related websites.

Get all this information in a flash - for free!

ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker

How to Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker?

Enter the Domain in the “URL Bar” and click on “Check”

Check WHOIS Details

Click the “WHOIS” tab for domain’s WHOIS record check which includes:

  • Registrar Info
  • WHOIS Server
  • Referral URL
  • Expiry
  • Registration Date
  • Last Updated
  • Name Servers
  • Registrar Data (from WHOIS)

NOTE: Domain Registrar Data will include “Registrant”, “Administrative Contact”, and “Technical Contact” information.

Check DNS Details

Click the “DNS RECORD” tab to check the DNS details of the given website including:

  • IP Address
  • IP Location
  • ASN
  • IP History
  • Register History
  • SEO Score

Find Relevant Domains

You can look up to the section entitled “Relevant Domains Available” to discover the available domain names.

NOTE: The “TLD Wise” section displays the different top-level domain names available for each domain (.com, .ord, .net)

Track Related Websites

In the last section, you’ll find the list of websites which are related and similar to the requested domain.

NOTE: You can click on the link of “Domain Search Tool” to discover all the available domain names of your choice for free.

How to Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS lookup tool?

Importance of Domain WHOIS and DNS Details

WHOIS - a database which stores and displays all the information of domain owners.

DNS - a system through which the unique IP addresses are assigned to different domain names.

We can look up a domain’s WHOIS details to find its registrar, server data, and other important information. Whereas to find the IP address of a domain and track its real-time location, we need to check its DNS records.

In short, the WHOIS and DNS records enable us to have a quick-view of a domain’s complete information.

Leverage ETTVI’s advanced Domain Details Checker for one-click WHOIS & DNS lookup.

Importance of Domain WHOIS and DNS Details

Why Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker?

ETTVI's Domain WHOIS lookup is an advanced SEO tool that performs multiple functions at once.

You can entrust ETTVI’s WHOIS Checker because it offers:

  • Great User Experience

ETTVI always provides a good experience to its users. Its creative team of UI/UX designers have done a remarkable job to ensure findability, accessibility, and usability of the Domain WHOIS Checker. Whereas about the working, the dedicated developers of Domain WHOIS Checker have made sure that it runs ideally to deliver quick and accurate results.

Even a beginner can check domain WHOIS and DNS details with the help of easy-to-use interface and user guide of ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker.

Moreover, the users can easily use ETTVI’s WHOIS Checker tool to lookup available domain names and conduct a similar site search - all at once.

  • One-click Results

ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker requires a single-click to provide you with all the details of a domain name.

Just enter a domain name and see how fastly the ETTVI’s WHOIS Checker locates and displays all the information about the requested domain including registrar, owner, nameservers, IP address, ASN, and much more.

When you click on the “WHOIS”, you’ll see all the information about domain owner and registrar whereas when you click on the “DNS” tab and you’ll get everything you need to know about the DNS provider of the requested domain name.

Last but not least - without having you lift another finger, ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker automatically tracks and displays the similar websites and related domain names.

  • Quick WHOIS Lookup

ETTVI’s WHOIS Checker takes less than a second to identify a domain name and display its Registrar Info, WHOIS Server, Referral URL, Expiry Date, Registration Date, Updation Date, Nameservers, and Registrar Data.

Users are just required to enter a domain name in this advanced WHOIS website checker to track all the WHOIS data within the moment.

  • DNS Record Check

ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Tool comes up with an advanced in-build DNS Checker. Just enter a domain name and click on the “DNS Record” tab to check the IP Address, IP Location, ASN, IP History, and Register History. Moreover, it provides the users with the SEO score of the requested domain as well.

The users can easily check domain IP and track the related information - all at once.

  • Similar Website Search

ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker serves as the “Similar Site Search Tool” to provide the users with the list of the web resources which are relevant and related to the requested domain.

When the users enter a username to lookup its WHOIS details, ETTVI’s smart tool works the best to track and enlist similar websites.

  • Relevant Domain Search

ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker not only fetches the registrar and owner details of a domain name but enables the users to lookup available domains as well.

The advanced user interface of ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker automatically tracks all the available domain names which are relevant to the requested domain and displays them in the “Relevant Domain Available” section.

  • Free Access

People from all over the world can connect with ETTVI to use the advanced Domain WHOIS Checker and look up all the information they need to know about a domain name.

For sure, ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS checker can be accessed and used regardless of any limit and subscription fee.

ETTVI’s WHOIS Checker serves as:

  • Domain Registrar Info Checker
  • Domain Registrar Data Checker
  • Domain Server Checker
  • Domain Registration Date Checker
  • Domain Update Checker
  • Domain Expiry Date Checker
  • Domain Referral URL Checker
  • Domain Name Servers Checker
  • Domain IP Address Checker
  • Domain IP Location Checker
  • Domain IP History Checker
  • Domain ASN Checker
  • Domain Register History Checker
  • Website SEO Score Checker
  • Similar Domain Name Checker
  • Similar Website Checker

Leverage this all-in-one domain checker tool to save yourself from extra efforts - just enter a domain name to know all about it in a flash.

Why Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker?

Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker to Conduct a Similar Site Search

ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker serves as a quick Similar Website Checker tool. You can leverage this advanced tool to find your competitors and track all the websites which are comparable to your domain.

You know what - ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker automatically picks up and displays the websites which have the highest similarity score. There’s no need to switch to another tool when you can easily track the related websites.

Go to the “Related Websites” section to look up similar sites.

Hurry up and leverage this easiest and best way to discover your competitors as well as get insights to their performance & progress.

Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker to Conduct a Similar Site Search

Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker to Find Available Domain Names

ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker serves as the “Similar Domain Name Checker” to provide the users with the list of all the domain names which are relevant to the requested domain.

Just enter a domain name and then go to the “Other Relevant Domains” section to discover all the available domain names which match the given domain.

You know what - the advanced in-built domain name finder not only locates and displays the related domain names but provides you with their different top-level domains as well.

You can easily track the available domains with multiple TLDs and decide which one suits you the best.

Leverage this best domain info checker by ETTVI to discover all the comparable domain names.

Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker to Find Available Domain Names

Frequently Ask Questions

What Is WHOIS?

WHOIS is a public database that stores domain ownership and registration details. It helps users find information about a website, such as the owner’s name, contact details, and registration date. Businesses and cybersecurity professionals use WHOIS to verify domain authenticity.


What is Domain DNS?

Think of DNS as an internet logbook. Using the Domain Name System, the internet maps the (alphabetic) domain names to (numeric) Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. More simply, the DNS enables the web browsers to identify, locate, and load a web resource by translating the domain name to IP address.

Does private WHOIS data affect website SEO?

Google doesn’t care if you keep the WHOIS data private or public. Even if you keep it private, it won’t affect your website rankings or website SEO.

What makes ETTVI’s WHOIS Checker best?

ETTVI's Domain WHOIS Checker is an advanced SEO tool that serves multiple purposes at once - it enables you to check domain WHOIS details,DNS records, available relevant domain names, and related websites for free of cost.

The features that make ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker the best includes:

Extensive Database

User-friendly Interface

One-click search

Quick WHOIS Checking

Complete DNS Lookup

Similar Site Search

Domain Name Lookup

Free Access


Can I check my domain’s WHOIS and DNS for free using ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker?

Use ETTVI’s Domain WHOIS Checker to check your domain’s WHOIS and DNS with just one click for free.

Does Website Security Impact SEO?

Yes, website security plays a significant role in SEO rankings. Google favors secure websites with SSL certificates and proper security measures. A site that lacks security may get flagged as unsafe, leading to lower rankings. Ensuring security reduces the risks of hacking.

Why Are WHOIS Tools Important?

WHOIS tools help users check domain ownership and registration details. They assist businesses in verifying domain legitimacy before making a purchase. Cybersecurity professionals use them to track suspicious domains, resolve domain disputes and recover ownership.

Frequently Ask Questions

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